Cafes For All Training

training roomCafés for all Training aims to

  • Continue to raise the educational attainment and progress of all children so that they can succeed in school and later life
  • Support settings, schools, families and communities in developing positive working relationships with one another for the benefit of the learning , development and achievement of children and young people 
  • Increase parental efficacy and capacity to support learning by sharing tools and strategies which can be used to support learning at home 
  • Use the people resources within the setting/school/community to enrich the learning experiences of children and young people
  • Enable children and young people to lead on providing positive, enriching learning experiences for their peers , families and the community

Overview of training 

The core training for all early years settings and schools is the Introductory training unit. In this, the Café concept and practice are explored in detail so that all future Café practitioners are confident to run future Cafés and support all parents in developing their skills, knowledge and confidence in supporting, at home, their children's development and learning across the curriculum. Promoting a love of books and reading is key to this unit.

Following this, the training needs to be put into practice, with cafés implemented and subsequently monitored and reviewed before 'Enhanced Café training' and 'Extended Café training' are considered. For some schools 'Enhanced Café training' and 'Extended Café training' will be appropriate and for others, this might not be the case.